Are you thinking of leading a UMVIM team? Or, perhaps you just want to learn more about serving on an UMVIM team?
We’re here to help.
UMVIM Team Toolkits
Forms and documents that may be helpful in the course of your journey.
UMVIM Training Videos
Past training videos
UMVIM Team Leader Training
These training events will teach you UMVIM Leading Practices where volunteers are needed, United Methodist mission theology, logistics and budget guidelines, cultural sensitivity, answer insurance questions, provide forms, and allow you to a chance to meet other mission minded people.
Disaster Ministry
UMVIM has partnered with UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to train and equip UMVIM volunteers who want to specialize in serving in disaster recovery ministry. Such trainings include ERT (Early Response Teams), Emotional & Spiritual Care, & Connecting Neighbors, among others.
For more information about serving as an UMVIM volunteer in the area of disaster recovery contact the Western Jurisdiction UMVIM Coordinator or your Conference Disaster Response Coordinator.
How to Form a VIM Team
Follow these steps:
• Contact your Conference Coordinator for information or assistance to identify a site and trained team leader or: Become a trained Team Leader, Recruit team members;
• Register your team with the Conference for insurance, security, and safe sanctuary purposes;
• Conduct team orientation, complete forms and fundraise;
• Tell others about your team through a blog or Conference Newsletter;
• Tell your story when you return.
Newsletter Archive
View latest newsletter, archives, or subscribe from all jurisdictions.