Lead an UMVIM Team
Leading Practices of UMVIM Teams
Pay Attention to Spiritual Formation At Every Stage of the Journey
Commit to Intercultural Competency
Have a Trained Team Leader
Serve with an UMVIM Project
Comply with Safe Sanctuaries
Apply for Insurance Coverage
Register Your Team!
UMVIM Team Leader Training
These training events will teach you UMVIM Leading Practices where volunteers are needed, United Methodist mission theology, logistics and budget guidelines, cultural sensitivity, answer insurance questions, provide forms, and allow you to a chance to meet other mission minded people.
Follow these steps:
• Contact your Conference Coordinator for information or assistance to identify a site and trained team leader or: Become a trained Team Leader, Recruit team members;
• Register your team with the Conference for insurance, security, and safe sanctuary purposes;
• Conduct team orientation, complete forms and fundraise;
• Tell others about your team through a blog or Conference Newsletter;
• Tell your story when you return.
Team Toolkits
Forms and documents that may be helpful in the course of your journey. These can be used as templates and changed to your team’s specific needs.
Keep in mind some of these forms may be covered in the team registration process for insurance. Many of these resources can also be found in the appendix of the team leader handbook.
Team Insurance is Strongly Encouraged and Required by Some Project Sites. Team Registration is automatic with the purchase of Insurance.
International Insurance for Teams Serving outside of the U.S.:
UMVIM– WJ contracts with Mission Safe for an Accident and Medical Insurance Policy from IMG for teams serving internationally. There are $25,000, $50,000, and $100,000 coverage options.
Domestic Insurance for Teams Serving within the U.S.A and US Territories:
UMVIM-WJ has also contracted with AIG for medical and accident insurance policy with $50,000 coverage for domestic team serving in the USA and US Territories.